L: 6 oz. yogurt, 3.5 oz chicken, 2c cucumber, lemon juice, about 1c baked potatoes, 1 oz feta cheese.
S: 1 bag microwave popcorn (individual bag), 1/4c cottage cheese, butter and salt of popcorn
D: 1c cottage cheese (it was going bad i had to use it all), 1 oz feta cheese, about 1c baked potatoes, 2c celery, lemon juice, garlic (roasted in toaster oven)
B: 7:30: 1 english muffin, 6 oz yogurt, 1T PB, 1T butter, 1 Lg. Peach, 2 sm. Nectarines, 1 veg burger, cinnamon, 1 "moo magic" milk mix"
S: in the car on the way to the cabin. 10:45: 1c mixed (wild from picking the the woods) blueberries and blackberries, 1/4 c cottage cheese. i also licked the spoon from the cashew butter that i was packing for camping. ops.
L: at the cabin camraless. 1:30: 2 Quorn chicken cutlets, 6 oz greek yogurt, 2c mixed spinach and zucchini, 2 pitas, 1 oz feta, lemon juice.
S: 4:30: 1 oz feta cheese, 1 peach
D: 6:30: i ear corn with butter and salt, 2 veg burgers, 2c mixed cukeumber and spinach, 6 oz yogurt with lemon juice
FRIDAY: (a difficult food day, almost slipped a couple of times and jsut felt discontent) "I DON'T HAVE TO HURT ME ANYMORE!!!!"
B: 7:45: 1 pkg maple brn sugar oatmeal, 1 T cashew butter, 6 oz greek yogurt, 2 peaches, 1 moo magic milk mix
S: 11:20: 1 Quorn chicken cutlet with butter, 1/2 banana, 2 celery sticks with mustard (came very close to getting off track. something was pulling me to eat more. i did actually eat one cracker from in the cabin then stopped myself from going down a road i didn't want to be on!!!! thank God! it was scary though. i need to be careful.
L: in the car: 12:30: 2 slices bread, 2 T maple Almond butter, 1 Lg. Banana, 2 T jelly, about 1c celery, 6 oz greek yogurt, after that i felt a like munching i don't know if it was because i had just eaten a very hard food (PB and Banana sandwich) i haven't eaten one of these is years without binging. oh man. it was really yummy. but a little too yummy it really reminded me of binging. scary. i had a lot of tests this week. i don't know why i do this to myself. the ice cream was very emotional. and the sandwich was also. i'm really too tired to be messing with myself. but if you know my personality you would understand that i push myself and i am always looking for a challenge. i just don't want to give myself too much too soon and end up relapsing!!!
so afterward i had a package of the apple cinnamon cookies that i bought the other week. they are amazing. i need to get some more. they are a dessert, but they taste good, and they are good for you. and i am comfortable with them, which is really rare with dessert foods for me.
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