Breakfast: 1c wheat bran, 6 egg whites, 1/2 a large cantaloupe, 6 oz. regular plain yogurt,1T cashew butter.
so i tried to go to an exercise class at the gym. it had been sooo long since i tried to go on a Saturday because of work that i didn't realize the class i was going to doesn't exist anymore. therefore, i took it as a sign that my body needed rest. i went and got the bald tire on my car replaced instead (i failed my inspection because of it). so in retrospect it is a good thing that there was no class.
Snack: i made a little larger snack than usual. i had 1 veg burger, 1 pita, spinach, mustard, pickle, zucchini.
my mom and brother and i went into Boston later on. there was insane traffic going in. it took about 2 hours. (it should have only taken about 50 min-1hr). we walked all around. it was fun. we went through haymarket sq. and i snacked on a red pepper, a large (about the size of a baseball) brussel sprout. one of the people selling produce let me just have it. it was pretty good. i also had a segment of a grapefruit. it was hard to be just wort of grazing all day. i thought we would be going out to lunch in boston. but we ended up going out for dinner. i think i just need more of a plan in advance. i ended up missing a snack. oh well.
Dinner was NASTY!!!!!!!!!!! gross. and the waiter was insane. he was trying to talk my mom and i out of the dishes we wanted to order. we only left a $0.30 tip. lol. i ended up ordering chicken with mushrooms. it ended up being a giant plate of nasty chicken with about 1 mushroom! but of course i hadn't really eaten a full meal since my snack at 11:00 so iu ate the whole thing.
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